College Knowledge Part 2: Why Can’t Teen Shows Transition to College?

Abbi and Ilana ate at the Spotted Pig in an episode. I couldn't find a photo of that. EW.

Abbi and Ilana ate at the Spotted Pig in an episode. I couldn’t find a photo of that. EW.

Consuming: I haven’t posted since the term ended. Best meals were at The Spotted Pig, where we had good burgers and excellent shoestring fries, and on trips at Lulay in Seattle, and at Chez Panisse in San Francisco. We also really enjoyed Charlie Bird where we had simple but delicious pasta.

Now that the term is over, I’ve been able to think more clearly about how to improve our too small, not very well put together rental apartment, and have purchased a new shower curtain, and a kitchen cart which have made our lives much more streamlined. Still loving The Americans and The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Have finally started on Breaking Bad, which I originally watched the first two episodes of when it premiered, but then quit because it was so ugly. This time it “took” (happened to me with The Sopranos too), and we are addicted.

Rory read a lot too. WB.

Rory read a lot too. WB.

I’ve also read several books. I really liked Sweetbitter, though it was kind of like Fifty Shades of Gray fan fiction, only with food instead of S&M. The Course of Love was good, and had some profound truths, although a little too heavy for beach reading. I also enjoyed several chapters of We Were Feminists Once (she does a great job at some parts, but gives TV short shrift), and once I got past all the gushing, Life Moves Pretty Fast which argues, often successfully, that 80s movies are the best movies because of significant changes in the movie business and an increased sexism.

Producing: My proposal and sample chapters are in pretty good shape to go out soon. I was waiting on a few reviewers. I’ve also done a huge amount of work on a separate, unrelated, but I think pretty exciting project that has me digging into IMDB constantly. Below you will see my second piece on ScreenPrism. I’ve also got lots of new students prepared for the Fall term.

Not sure why the ScreenPrism folks picked a photo without Andrea, but here it is. Fox.

Not sure why the ScreenPrism folks picked a photo without Andrea, but here it is. Fox.

Anticipating: Tomorrow is graduation, always exciting. This year our is in Lincoln Center. I’ve been to the beach twice this summer already and hope to go to some other beaches near one of the offices Chris is traveling to.

I think I'll spend more time at the beach than at the Met this summer, but who knows? CW.

I think I’ll spend more time at the beach than at the Met this summer, but who knows? CW.

ScreenPrism liked some of my posts so much they asked me to write for them. Please go see my latest article, about Teen Dramas and their transitions (or not) to College at ScreenPrism

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